You, the diamond. |
Diamonds are usually are found where volcano's have erupted. They are found in the most grungiest, dirtiest places. When I think of a diamond, and it being found in it's absolute worst condition, I have to ask myself, "How did it end up becoming so beautiful??" It looks like a dirty rock, filthy and unpolished. After someone takes this dirty rock in (because they know it has value), they clean it and begin to put it through "The Process."After the process is finished it comes out all shiny and beautiful, illuminating everything that surrounds it. It took me a while to see, even in it's worst condition and state, it is still a diamond. Even when it is going through "The Process" it is still a diamond, and even when the process is finished and it is shining for the whole world to see, it is still a diamond. Underneath it all, it has always been a beautiful diamond. Like diamonds, me & you go through this same type of process. Recently, I came to the conclusion that no matter how much I try to change myself, no matter how much I try to improve, underneath it all I have always been the same diamond.
You've always been just who you are, and GOD has always seen the finished product. HE is the one that
You, the diamond.
(after a little cleaning up) |
finds us, & HE is the one who recognizes our value, even in our most ugliest, filthiest state. HE takes us in and begins "The Process" of cleaning us up. Getting rid of the filth, like unforgiveness, poor self-esteem, anger, resentment, a nasty attitude, lying, stealing etc...What ever it is that is keeping you from shining like the diamond you are, HE gets rid of alllllll of that. HIS goal from the beginning was just for us to be able to see ourselves the way that HE sees us.
Imagine that you were able to see into the future, and let's say you knew Micheal Jordan as a child. You knew this kids value, even before his parents did. You knew that he would end up becoming one of the worlds greatest basketball players. You watch him as a child, and see him through his growing pains as a young man. You see him go through self doubt and poor self-esteem, you see him with his head down, making bad decisions, risking his future. You want to cry out & tell him who he is really is right??!! You want to scream, "Micheal shake it off, if you could only see...you're the greatest!" Now imagine how GOD feels about me & you. HE is crying out, "Don't doubt your self, hold your head high, practice at your craft, stop risking your future, you are the best, one day you and the whole world will know it!"
Don't get caught up into doubting yourself and don't let other's who can't see the finished product distract you form your goals. Whatever gift or talent GOD has given you see it through. IF GOD has started a process in you HE will finish it...and believe me, HE is right there cheering you on! HE sees the ending from the beginning, and has equipped you with everything you need to arrive. Just go through "The Process." I know it can hurt, but the finished product is sooooo worth it!
Though we may have been found in our worst condition and with all the potential in the world to shine. We have to go through "The Process" and cleaning and then we begin to come out shiny and beautiful. The thing about it is, we've always been this diamond. We've always had the brilliant qualities it takes to shine in this world. Many people just don't have the patience to watch you go through it...but most importantly do you?? Do you have the drive and the paitence finish going through the process? Do they know...and most importantly do you know, you've always been the same beautiful diamond underneath it all? "No more self doubt...just bloom."
You, the diamond. |
Christina Nance-Israel for
GroupieLove Handbags.Luggage.Accessories
"It's more than bags, its a Movement."